how much current is to much for Xenia


I just purchased some Xenia yesterday from the lfs and was wondering about the current that it should be kept in. From what I've read and from what the lfs told me was that the current should be pretty strong. Well my qustion is how strong should it be? Right now I have them about 8in from the powerhead and 4in down. Is this to much?
thanks a lot


New Member
Hey Marcus,
I brought some pulsating Xenia for my 90 gallon found that they move around until they find a place they like. I had it in my refugium but found it looks pretty in the display as well. I keep it trimmed back every few weeks. It is actually amazing how far they can move in a day or two. Just make sure the power head is not pointing directly at them and they will adjust as time goes on to what they like.
Hope that helps,


Active Member
From my experience they do best in low to medium flow ..... if they're bent over and not fully extended and open, it's to much flow. :D


Active Member
If they are in too high a flow they won't be able to "pulse" which is the coolest thing about them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
My xenia does well everywhere. From high flow to no flow.
Is it "pulseing xenia" ? :D


Active Member
I dont mean blow it off the rock flow but this is bend it over flow and it does well, too well.


hey Dogstar, my xenia looks exactly like yours....well almost exactly. Thanks for posting that pic (I was waiting for you to do that after the not in high flow post). I wanted to see what healthy xenia looks like.


Active Member
Hey Truck, did yours make it after all. Cool. Bet you dont have as much. Maybe soon. Haha. Hows the VHOs look?