How much current needed?


Hello everyone,
My first post here, and I've got a pretty simple question. I'm setting up a 60 gallon FOWLR tank, and am planning on keeping dwarf lionfish in it. Just wondering how many powerheads I should run, so I don't stress out the lion. I've heard 3, but wanted to get some opinions.


Filtration is going to be a Coralife Super Skimmer, with about 75 pounds of live rock. I am not going to be using a sump.


Active Member
i really do suggest even a hang on machanical filter for this tank at least to run carbons ect on i use the aquaclear 110 on my 90 for my eel tank .it will help keep any harmful metals or chemicals from harming your fish as for power heads id use 2 depending on the power of it facing the front of the tank as to not blow the fish around but will keep a good flow


I can definitley do that...I have several power filters from my freshwater days, so it wouldn't be a problem to hang one back there. I had been told that the skimmer and the live rock/sand would be enough.
So 2 powerheads, facing the front of the tank. Should I aim them toward the surface of the water, or does it matter?


Active Member
just face them streight ahead the current will hit the front then bounce back keeping the water moving in all directions.if you aim them to the surface it will prolly splash out more of the tank. well you will also find that carbons help clear the water better.I prefer the aqualclears myself they are easy to maintain im still using my first one i baught 4 1/2 yrs ago on my qt tank(50 gal) they have bio media simular to what would be used in a sump such as sponge carbon bags even ceremic bio cubes.they also make an attechment for surface skimming so the water is remove from the surface like an overflow box does.instead of under surface its cheep to like 15 bucks for that attachment. i ran my 6 ft 125 agressive tank on 2 (110)of these filters for 3 1/2 yrs and 1 large powerehead.ddint have the skimmer parts then.good luck with the new tank and welcome to the hobby