how much difference does chaeto really make

Right now i have a AC 20 running on my 5.5gallon. I have the stock filter supplies in there its a mechanical filter media, carbon, and a sponge. If i were to leave just the carbon on the bottom and put chaeto on top, would it really make that big of a difference. My nitrate right now is at 20ppm, which is up from 2 days ago when it was stable at 10-15 ppm for the last week or two. Im sorta blaminng the jump on the fact that i accidentally over dosed on some food for my coral (it poured out a rather than dripped O_O)
whats your opinion


Active Member
well i think it does make a difference and i think it can really help in such a small tank because spikes are very easy and this will really help out on that


Active Member
well macro algae (i think lol) uses lots of nutrient that otherwise would be left over or in excess. these nutrients that are in excess would allow other pest algae to grow. if you dont have extra nutrients no pest algae


I have a 29g and a 12g nano. I grabbed a small wad of Chaeto and wedged it between some rocks (make sure it can get some light) and it definitely has made a difference.


You can order it from this site as well. You can also ask your LFS to get some for you. They are always placing orders.