How much dough does it take


Hi im new to SW fish i just bought a 140 tank :cheer:
by the time i finish everything i will have a 140 reef tank :happyfish
i got most of my equipment on paper
im currently working on the sump/fuge

not sure how to do it but eventually ill get it :notsure:
well i posted this thread to find out how much does the electric bill come out every month for a tank in the range of 120-150 gal
parents don want to spend a lot on the bill and if its a lot i will just have to keep my 36 fw fish tank

this is what i have
Overflow Box
Danner Mag-Drive Supreme 18, 1800gph pump
thinking also about a mag 9.5
CPR CS202 Overflow box
36"x18"x18" dimensions
Put in cheato or copods or Macro
Power head
Random motion
Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer 220 gallon
Jäger TS Automatic Heaters 250 watt
undecided but they will have to support a reef tank
any help of the amount of money you guys spend on a reefer a month would be appreciated
and can i get advice on the equipment i have and do i need something i am missing


Active Member
Look into some SEIO Super Flow Powerhead w/pump. They come in different models to choose from and don't give out alot of heat as well as low wattage output.


Active Member
I think your heater is too small, unless you have 2 of them which is better than one.
I figure my electric bill went up about 20 bucks a month, then add another 10 bucks a month on food and chemicals.
But the real expense is in adding livestock to your tank, at least it is in my case. Or th constant wanting to change things.


yes ill have 2 heaters i just forgot to write it in :notsure:
and i am fully aware of what i have to spend :mad:
who really likes to spend (no one) but we all want the best
my pockets will be hurting when i get all those things :scared:
any one else how much does the electric bill come out in total and how much do you think the tank contributes to the bill


it really depends on your lights. The less powerful the lights the cheaper the light bill if you go halide then it will go up mine with 2-250 a couple of years ago jumped about 100 a month. but it will all depend on your area and what lights you get. the rest of the pumps and filters are minimal they dont add up to much unless you have tons of them.


Active Member
real easy way to get a rough estimate is to take the wattage of the equipment you are going to buy multiply it by the number of hours in a month you are going to run it and then multiply that number by how much you pay per watt. And there you go.


yes michael
some were in the internet i read something that said the elec bill would be round 100 - 200 for a 200 gal tank alone + what u used to get
but since the site had too many grammatical errors i had doubts about how much money does one spend on the tank for elec a month


i might jump from my original thread to another one
michael you wrote that the equipment does not contribute a lot that the lights are the big contributor
does anyone know the brand of some lights for a 140 gal tank
that can maintain a reef tank with low energy consumption


my 100 gallon tank setup as a FW tank with the same amount of pumps and filters and 2 55 watt PC lighting adds very little to my bill about 20 dollars a month I would say. they same filters and pumps but with the halides it added about 100 or so.
what corals are you planning for the tank?


well it really depends on what you want to keep as to what lights will be recomended.
what coral types are you looking at wanting to keep in this tank.
since im new people in other threads recommended me to wait about 6 months then start with softies wait some more then move on to lps wait some more and then sps


why use 2 different user names???
If you are looking at getting SPS corals in the future then go ahead and get the halides it will save you money in the long run because you wont have to rebuy your lights.


its not two
one is mine and the other is my brothers
since he do sent have a comp in his house
he decided to use my comp
sometimes he forgets to log out and i use his user name by accident
i got him into the fw tanks and like i am moving into sw he wants to do the same my tank is 140 his is 120
i dont know why he decided to get a different user name we could have used the same one but it is he who decides

well on with the thread
are the halides energy consuming or is there another type of light that dose not consume allot of elec and works for keeping sps corals


OK it gets confusing sometimes when 2 people use the same account and or dont switch accounts.
the halides are best for SPS corals most willturn brown under anything but halides.
IE you can get a bright purple SPS coral and in a few weeks to a couple of months that gorgeous blue will be brown if it survives in the lower light.