how much food?


New Member
how much food should i give my anemone? I just bought a long tentecal anenmone yesterday. i was told to feed it every 3-5 days. i feed it 3 krill and it took all 3. is that enough or should i offer him more untill he stops accepting the krill.


I would say to give it some chunks of silversides maybe twice a week. If you want to give him more, then go for it. I'm just saying 2x a week in case you forget, and he would still be fine.


Anemones get 90% of their food from the lights. As long as you have the right kind of lights for the anemone you are keeping it is not necessary to feed it 3 times a week. It is best to feed it a variety of foods. It is also best to feed it small chopped up pieces rather than large pieces because it uses alot of energy digesting their food.
This is what I feed my lta;RAW-shrimp-clams-squid-silversides-krill-scallops-cyclopeeze-nori(or any type of seaweed)-some flake food.
Chop it up real small and put it in a baggie and in the freezer. When its time to feed,put a little tank water in a plastic cup and break off a piece of food and put it in the cup to let it melt. With a turkey baster gently squirt the food around its tentacles. You can also use Prime reef or Marine cuisine frozen foods but it is a lot cheaper making your own.I feed once a week or once every 10 days. My 2 clowns also bring some food to the anemone.
I'm sure other people have different opinions on their feeding and some don't feed them at all but this is what works for me and my anemones seem pretty happy. Like I said this is only my opinion and I'm sure someone else will tell you how they do it. Hope this helps