How Much Garlic to Use for ICH Treatment


Active Member
I read a bunch of posts on ich treatment here and majority of people recommend heavy garlic soaked foods for the fish.
Exactly how much garlic should be used? I have garlic extreme and usually put one drop of it in the food i'm gonna feed the fish. Should I put more, and will too much be an overdose and have bad effects on the fish?
I have 6 fish in the tank, so give me some approximate amount of garlic extreme to use.
Thank you


Staff member
I don't know what you are feeding your fish, but a few drops will be fine.
Allow it to soak into the food for at least 1/2 hour in the fridge, then serve it up.


Active Member
As far as adding the garlic to the food VS. adding directly to the tank water (cuz directions say add to food or water) which one is more effective?


Active Member

Originally posted by EUPHORIA
As far as adding the garlic to the food VS. adding directly to the tank water (cuz directions say add to food or water) which one is more effective?

Adding it to the food is more effective.
Garlic extreme is usually dosed 1 drop for every 10 gallons in your tank.