how much have you ???


how much have you spent on a single fish my buddy cant beleave i spent $30.00 on a fish i will show him that's nothing in this hobby


The dwarf angel I just got was 69.99. But the guy gave me a 10 discount since I go there so much.


i want a firefish for $189.99... but the most i've personally spent is $30... but that's just cause i don't have my shark tank setup yet!!! After that, i'll easily have spent over $1,000 on fish alone!!!
Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually $30.00 is nothing. Those are just for small fish. Larger fish are easily $100+


ooohhh, do you have pics??? I spent $10 on a lubbocks fairy wrasse... here's a pic of mine
oh yes, i would've paid a lot more for it, but the guy at the LFS was a moron, and sold it to me as the cheapest goby they had... see? sometimes it pays to have stupid LFS people!!!



Originally Posted by jdragunas
ooohhh, do you have pics??? I spent $10 on a lubbocks fairy wrasse... here's a pic of mine
oh yes, i would've paid a lot more for it, but the guy at the LFS was a moron, and sold it to me as the cheapest goby they had... see? sometimes it pays to have stupid LFS people!!!
$10 yes that a helluva deal. I guess so the guy must have been new


Originally Posted by jdragunas
ooohhh, do you have pics??? I spent $10 on a lubbocks fairy wrasse... here's a pic of mine
oh yes, i would've paid a lot more for it, but the guy at the LFS was a moron, and sold it to me as the cheapest goby they had... see? sometimes it pays to have stupid LFS people!!!

Very bad picture - he wont stand still - but here he is - he is about 5 inches long with a purple/green/blue body Dorsal and Pelvic fins are dark purple lined with bright pink -
And Bright yellow side fins
He is beautifull


Originally Posted by JULIUS
$10 yes that a helluva deal. I guess so the guy must have been new

he was the freshwater guy "in training" in the saltwater section... this is the same guy that told me a leather toadstool was a mushroom... not the brightest crayon in the box...


Originally Posted by jamesthero
how much have you spent on a single fish my buddy cant beleave i spent $30.00 on a fish i will show him that's nothing in this hobby
Does your buddy have any hobbies? For example, does he pimp is ride out? You can compare it to what he does. "yeah i spent $30 on a fish, but YOU spent $500 on rims..."


Originally Posted by jdragunas
and that is a B-E-A-utiful wrasse!!! What kind is it?
That is the problem - I DONT KNOW !!!!! I cant find anything that matches and they had it listed as a carpenter wrasse - but it doesnt match anything I find


Great find!!! A little pricier than i've seen in my 11 minutes of looking, though. But you would've paid that much after shipping...


Thank God its female then - My daughter named her Rainbow and I was feeling bad if a boys name was so girly!!
Ok conversion time how big in inches is 13cm? - and if she is less colorfull I really need to buy a male then