how much is enoughammonia?


If you are cycling a new tank does the ammonia have to go off the charts or at least real high before the tank is cycled or can the tank cycle with just some ammonia readings? It is a 12 gallon eclipse with 20 lbs of sand with bacteria. I used about 3 or 4 gallons of water from another aquarium that had ammonia and nitrite in it.


No it dosent have to be off the charts. Some peopleonly have 1ppm to cycle.


Active Member
It is not suo much how high it goes, but that it went up tehn back down to 0, same with the nitrites, tehy must go up and then fall back to 0(not close ot 0 but be 0)


Active Member
or you can be like me that cures the rock in the display tank and took 2 months to cycle:rolleyes: but again just a little will do you- just remember to stock your tank slowley