how much is too much????


i have a 46 gallon bow fron with about 15lbs of live rock now--just completed cycle and i have 2 clowns and 1 small yellow tang--my question is,my lfs guy and myself have become pretty good friends and he let me order a box of aquacultured live rock thru the store for 125.00 dollars--45-50 lb box--my question is,will this be too much rock for my tank??/help appreciated


Active Member
65 lbs rock in a 46 bowfront - SWEEEEET !
That will look great !
nice price too
What's your plan on adding this new shipment of rock if I may ask ??


i was really worried about that part---the guy told me to just rinse off rock and it can go straight into my aquarium--is that true??he has beautiful tanks at his shop,and told me to come down wed pm and we will unpack one of his boxes and he will show me thats how he does it??what do u guys think??


Active Member
i would not add the lr directly to the tank, often times, it does come cured, but athere will also be die off, sometimes maybe not enough to harm anything, but to be safe, i would cure it myself, just to make sure, nad then add it in smaller amounts, like 15 lbs at a time,
since you already have fish in there