How much light is needed?

How much light is needed on a daily basis?? I have heard 8-10 hours then again 10-12 hours, which is it?? If I leave the lights on 8-10 hours the light is off when I come home from work- I like the light on at night this is my primary time to see my tank?? Help?!:confused:

true perc

well from wut i hear even tho i jsut started its 10-12 thats about how long i leave mine on fer from when i get home from skewl until befroe i go to bed. ;)


8-14 hours a day 8 min 14 max mine stay on for 12 on a timer and if you get off work at say 5:00 you can set the timer to turn the lights on at 12:00 till 11-12 so they will be on when your home or how ever you want to set it the dont have to come on at sunrise and off at sunset it wont bother the corals as long as the lights are not on more than 14 hours a day
Great!! Thanks! I will just adjust my timer to add a couple of more hours. That is the reason to have a tank in the first place- they are beautiful!