How much liquor for 200 people?


I am going to hire a licenced bartender for my wedding reception and I am to supply the alcohol that she will serve. Does anyone have any idea how much liquor to buy and what type to provide a good variety of mixed drinks for about 200 people? :notsure:
Both of our families will do their fair share of drinking.
Anyone had any experience with this? I really have no clue in terms of amount to buy.


My girlfriend and I just did a show for a bachelor party(250 heads). Our friend was hired as the refreshment manager for the party
15 x's Jack
5x's Single barrel Jack
15 x's Malibu Rum
5 x's Segrams 7's
10 x's Sweet and Sour
8 x's kegs of Bud
8 x's kegs of Bud Light
5 x's Jagermeister
15 x's Vodka
25 x's club soda
8 x's triple sac
20 x's cases of 7-up
25 x's juices...pineapple, OJ and cranberry etc
5x's Tequila
5x's Top shelve Tequila
That was as much as I can remember...keep in's was for a bachelor party...they drank like if it was going out of style!


Active Member
Is this a house wedding or at a banquet hall? If it's at a banquet facility they should help you out with all that. Have you asked the bartender for input? You're gonna need a lot of booze for 200 people even if only half of them drink!


Active Member
If the person youre hiring is in fact a licensed bartender, they should have a good idea of how much liquor you might need - they should ask u questions as far as what your friends/family/s preferences are and such, but if they have any experience with larger parties, the should be able to help you out. It IS their job, after all.

My wedding was 250-300 people, we're still not sure, but the bartender did an EXCELLENT job at figuring out how much alky we needed - everyone had quite enough, and what they didn't drink, we didn't have to pay for (unless we wanted it...which we did :joy: )
Look to your vendors for advice, they really are there to help you, and they (should) have a lot of experience with this.
...just make sure to take an objective 3rd party along when u interview so you don't get ripped off..weddings r emotional, there are those who will try to take advantage of that.


Active Member
One more thing... If you havent told the bartender already or any of the other help... Dont tell them it is a wedding that would save u money...
They all overprice for weddings.


Thanks for the replys and advice. Thanks for your list Madison. It is a banquet reception. I have only talked with the bartender we are going to hire once, so I will ask for suggestions the next time I speak with her. My fiance talked to her the other times. You are right, she should have a pretty good idea of how to much to buy.