How Much Live Rock is too much


New Member
I know you can never get too much live Van Halen, but when it comes to my tank, how much is too much? I have a 55 gallon which I recently set up and just got an order of 45 lbs from All of my tank parms were perfect, but now they are through the roof! If I understand things right, this is normal when adding a new biological load(dead junk on the shipped rocks) of this size to the tank.
Before I start adding nice fish and the like, I'd like to fill the tank up as much as possible with rock to build a nice wall and let the tank settle down, but was wondering if it could be overdone to a point where it is detrimental to the tank? If I get 45-50 more pounds, would that be OK? You get a HUGE discount when you buy it in 45-50 pound lots on the net and locally here, which is why I was asking.
Thanks in advance.


The general rule of thumb with live rock is 1 to 1.5 lbs live rock per gallon of water. was the live rock you ordered from a true 45 lbs. of rock or was it shipping wieght? Just thought I remembered reading their wieghts were shipping wieght. With another 45 lbs. you would be a little over the rule of thumb but not that much so you should be okay. If you have a fuge, or were interested in one you could order the large amount of rock and have some extra for the fuge, just a thought. I am fairly new to this, but there is a wealth of knowledge on this site. hope this helps and best of luck.


Active Member
Biologically, I don't think you can have too much. It's just a matter of placing the rocks and still having enough room for fish to swim.