How much live sand?


:) Hi there, just a quick question...I have changed out my cc and want to put live sand, I only had a cleaner crew because I had a problem earlier...I have my live rock and cleaner crew in a large container right now with heater and ph so I think they will be ok...I could not seem to get the nitrates down...Anyway, for the Quick question..:notsure: How much live sand do I need to purchase for a 100 gallon? thanks in advance....Cynthia


How deep do you want it?
about 80-100 for a two inch shallow sandbed.
about 100-150 for 3 or so inches.
These are just my guesstimations


Active Member

Originally posted by redarizona
:) Hi there, just a quick question...I have changed out my cc and want to put live sand, I only had a cleaner crew because I had a problem earlier...I have my live rock and cleaner crew in a large container right now with heater and ph so I think they will be ok...I could not seem to get the nitrates down...Anyway, for the Quick question..:notsure: How much live sand do I need to purchase for a 100 gallon? thanks in advance....Cynthia

To get the LS to work properly for gas exchanges you need at least a 4" sandbed. For a 100g tank you need about 150-200 lbs of sand.
What Thomas said too :)


is there another sand I can use, I have heard of southdown but I can't get it here, and then top it with live sand?


Have you also looked under the names Yardright or Old Castle playsands?
Also look at the silica playsands, as white as you can find, the whiter the better and purer.