how much live sand?


Active Member
from looking on the net i found a formula for 1.5 lbs per gallon, but it says it will only give you about a 1.5 to 2 inch layer. if you want to go with a dsb in your diplay then i would at least double that and go with 3 lbs per gallon minimum. for a 100 gallon tank i would think that about 350 lbs would be sufficient. I can't remember how much i put in my 75 but it is a little on the light side anyways, and i wish i would have put a little more in it.


you sure that formula wasnt for live Rock not live sand? cause that seems like an afwul lot of sand. also being in australia would cost me around $700. WOAH! :scared:


There is also a sand calculator on this website. Just click the live rock, live sand icon and enter your tank dimension and how deep you want the sand bed and it will tell you how much too purchase.


that sounds a bit nicer to my wallet lol also what about sand from the beach? would it have the same effect? and would it be worth doing? yes i know its illegal and what not but just out of curiosity does it have the same organisms etc living in it?


Active Member
Besides being illegal, you also have to worry about any contaminants in it, metals, mercury, copper, anything that you would not put in your tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish-man-t
get 25 lbsof live and get rest silica sand imo way cheaper
Read up on the dangers, difficulities, etc. of this method before you do it.
Do you want a deep or shallow sand bed?


Active Member
i have a 20gal and i put in 30lbs in it... so i have 1.5lbs/gal and its about 2" thick... might be different in a bigger tank...


stay away from silica based sand thats the worst type of sand to get I broke my tank completly down to get rid of it out of my tnak never ending hair algae battle among other algae blooms that werent good.
You dont have to get LS honestly If you get quality LR and give it some time the microfauna that makes live sand alive will migrate down into the sand. the best thing I have found is if you know people that have SW tanks to get a cup of sand from all of them you know if they let you and add that to your sand. it wil boost your critters in the sand. also if you get all LS and go a DSB everything under a certain depth will die anyway cause it cant live in the Oxygen deprived levels.


well i have been reading other posts on using beach sand. some say do it others say dont. some have used it for years some have had problems. i am having a FOWLR so i dont need a DSB and was thinking shallow anyway. maybe 1-2inch. i have also read about ways of cleaning beach sand to romove pollutants. which ever method i chose i am going to buy a few kg's of live sand to seed it


New Member
I have also done the sylica sand thing and wish I didn't as your fish as jawfish burrow down and because the sand is so fine it cuts their gills. The way that I am going is to use AGAGONITE sand as a base and live sand on top of that with some GARF GRUNGE. It is all explained on They explain how to setup from the beginning to end for a great looking tank. This method is also less costly as I purchased 3 bags for less than $80. If I recall they say to have about 1 inch of live sand.


youll have to check local laws about removing stuff off the beach in some places its illegal plus as mentioned you will remove an small portion that wouldnt cause problems BUT a larger picture of all reef keepers doing it- it can have a major impact on the ecosystem. just something to think about.


well out of curiosity i got some sand from my local beach just to try the vinegar test...... BOY did it fizzle! it actually created a foam out of the vinegar lol it was like a bottle of soft drink

mandarin w

I don't know about the beaches that you are by, But the ones I used to live by, would truck in tons of play sand each year. To help replace the sand that is erroded, and washed out. Plus they wanted a nice clean look for the start of the beach season.
You do not want to put play sand in your tank, Most of them contain silicates which will cause you problem, lots of problem down the road. And even if the sand you find is not play sand, it still contains tons of pollutants. Gas, oils for boats. Sewage that is dumped off shore.(yes they do do this) they dump a few miles off shore. but the tide brings it in. You have people drinking soda, tea, beer. Kids, dogs and other animals peeing in
the sand. Do you want to chance putting all of this in your tank. In two months, you will be scratching your head, wondering why you have all this alge, and why your fish keep dyeing. Just my opinion, but if you are going to spend some big cash in fish, and bring them to your home, you need to do your best to give them the best envirorment you possibly can.