how much LR to start a cycle?


just because you can kick a tank over in a matter of days to few weeks does not mean it is done, the first 4- 8 weeks you are wide open to several different types of algal blooms... but yes you can put all the rock you want in at once but you should have layers of rock, you dont want to stack primo on top of itself thruout the tank, base rock is called such for a reason, unless you just have the $$$$$$ or can ship it in yourself


Originally Posted by kailiek
the lionfish is going to eat the clown fish, and anyone in the tank he can eat, and they can vary in size, several lions out there,( colors small to med/lg)

the trigger and puffer will eat any snails,crabs, corals in the tank, so if you keep on your glass yourself
maroon clowns get very territorial, if you want 2 add them together
blue hippo is most popular tang, i would put this fish in a tank 1st due to extreme shyness, they also play dead so heads up. watch out for real cheap ones. blue tang needs shelter in the tank
i like all of the fish but dont think they are a great match unless you dont intend to have anything but fish, i am sorry i cant remember what you stated on that
are you doing a refugium in your sump? unless you do or have a large sump with some waste, dont put too many critters in there
yes i am doing a fuge in the sump. i plan on doing the glass myself anyway.
and yes i plan on having fish only in the tank..... working on talking the wife into a nano hehe


I don't think the lion will necessarily eat the maroons, especially if they're comparable size when you get them. Maroons are slightly more aggressive and larger than other clowns.
As for the Radiata....they can grow to be quite large, but if you start one out small enough that he can't eat your clowns, he should leave them alone as he and the clowns mature together. Just remember, if it'll fit in his mouth, he may try to eat it!


yeah i have read that on several posts....... its DEFINATELY something that wont be overlooked.... too expensive to not bother about lol


well i added more LR yesterday 5 more large pieces. checked the levels tonight and the only thing that has changed is ph, amm is still 0.25 and trite and trate are 0.
should i wait a couple more days to check again? and should they have gone up by then?