how much Lr?


Active Member
110 minimum, 150 definitely would have added benefits, but that kinda depends, some rock is heavier than others, a good goal is @1/3 of your tank,
but with a fowlr, you can even go less i fyou'd like, but i still like 1.5 lbs per gallon(you'll probably go reef eventually anyway, especially if it is fowlr, the conversion is easy)


Active Member
with a fish only... go with as much (or as little) as you like. Make your tank and rock work look good and that's enough. LR does help with biological filtration, so in the grand scheme of things, the more LR the better... and there is no such thing as too much. However, in a FO tank, you don't need as much LR to support your stock as a typical reef would.


Active Member
i would get the amount of rock that you think looks good. Do not get 150lbs because you want good biologival filtration. You are getting filtration elsewhere i assume. Get rocks that look nice and design a nice aquascape with them.