How much LS for 12 gal?


Active Member
How much LS do I need for a 12 gal tank? Is 10 lbs of LR enough for 12 gal? :notsure:


well its all base on the look... what r u doing ... reef or fowlr? id say at least 12 lbs of sand unless you plan on getting a jawfish...
i think 10 lbs will be a good starting point but its just basically they way it looks and how you like it


Active Member
I want to put mostly coral in it. Mushrooms, polyps, zooz, stuff like that, but I also want a cleaner shrimp, 2 hermit crabs and a lemon goby and maybe a clown fish. (And I know not to throw them in there all at once).


Active Member
2 (27w) dual color sunpaq compact florescent lamps 50/50 bulbs. It has lunar lighting too.