How much rock?


I'm just starting out in the world of saltwater reef tanks and was hoping fir a little advice. I currently have a 75gl tank with 30lbs of fiji LR, 40lbs of crashed coral and 40lbs LS for substrate. I have a 300ghp power head and a 150gph one with a amircale wet/dry filter. The tanks has been setup for about 3 weeks and all my levels are good except my nitrite which is at about 2.5. I was thinking about adding some more LR to the tank but wasn't sure if now was a good time. I curently have a 2 damsels 2 turbo snails and a horseshoe crab in the tank to get it cycling. I had a bunch of brown alge growth that is almost gone now. I guess my question is how much LR should there be, is there such a thing as to much and when/how should I introduce new LR? Thanks in adviance for any help you can offer this newbie.


I have hear anywhere from lb per gallon all the way up to 2 lbs per gallon. You can't have too much but remember the more rock means less water and ultimatley less fish in the tank.
If you add the rock now it will extend the cycle, so you might want to let the tank cycle and then add a little at a time over the next few months.
Since your tank is still cycling, you should just add the rock now. its only going to do it all over again anyhow when the cycle is over. why have two cycles, when you can have one that is a little longer?


Active Member
It all depends on you. 1lb per gallon is a good start. But in my eyes more is better. EFrank is right about the more rock less water deal. So think about what you want before you do it. I personally have almost 2lb per gallon in my tank.


LOTR brings up a good point about leaving holes for fish. How should you stack/ley the rock so the you create the look of a taller reef and not have to worry about it falling over? I looked at some members pictures (great feture by the way can't wait to get my pics up) and some have hugh masses of LR that go 3/4 the way up the tank. It cn't be all one piece so how do you keep them stacked?


I too have wondered how to safely stack the rock, just putting in lr today to start cycle in 54 corner
Let's hear how you guys get those reefs looking so nice with stacked rock