How much salt do I put in?


New Member
I just started my 44 gallon tank, and I recently purchased a 50 US Gallon bag of Instant Ocean. Question is, how much salt do I mix in?


It should say on the bag, its half a cup per gallon. After you add that in, let it dissolve for a day then adjust as needed to get your 1.020-1.025. :D


Active Member
Like Kev said... instant ocean recommends 1/2 cup salt for every 5 gallons of water. Keep in mind though, you're tank hold 44g of water empty. If you've got sand/rock in the tank, it will hold less than 44g.


It is 1/2 cup for a gallon (given that the same product is the one sold here in Greece). However, after you mix the recomended cups for the quantity of water you want to make, check it with a hydrometer.
When your water level drops due to evaporation, add only treated water withoput the salt mix. Salt does not evaporate.


good advice for evaporation. I think I've heard that before, but I'm glad u reminded me.
I was originally looking at this post for the ratio of salt to gallon too...
cause 1/2 cup to 1g seemed much to me at first. but that's what it said on the bucket and you guys agree.


Another thing to remember,especially when it comes time to dose chemicals,is that a 44 gal. tank after deducting the displacement for LR and your sand bed,may contain 35-40 gal..Of course you must then add the water in sump and refugium if you have one.


I keep my tank at 1.024-1.025. I use about 2 1/2 cups to 4 gallons of water. I would also use RO water for top-offs and water changes to limit the amount of minerals in the tank. Your salt mix and other supplements may be used if you desire.