how much salt?


You’ll need a hydrometer to measure the salt gravity. You will add enough for your hydrometer to test at 1.021 to 1.025.


Unless you are setting the tank up for the first time, never mix your water in the tank. If you buy the salt by the bag they tell you how many gallons the bag is suppose to make eg. a bag that makes 50 gallons you will use just over half. However you will never know if your specific gravity is at the correct ratio unless you use a hydrameter...the're cheap, get one!


Active Member
ballpark of 1/2 cup per gallon . . . actually is more like 2/3. Do you use cups in canada? :notsure:


:eek: ya we doo so far i have desalved 6 cups and it only reads at 1.012 so ya how much more u think i should put in


Active Member
:notsure: Boy, This is a tough one....
Let's 1/2 cup per gallon...and you put in six cups...thats about enough for 12 gallons at the proper SG...
And your tank is How Big??


Active Member
like I said . . . its actually more like 2/3 cup . . .
So you guys up there use cups huh? How come you guys can't get the speed limit right. Its like 120 or something up there . . . .

You guys have good chocolate though. WAY better than in the states. I sure do like Aero bars too. Cant get those here either.:nope:


what dose sg mean sohow many more should i put in sorry i just wanna make sure im doing everything rite


i dont know if ure still adding the salt but on the paper that came with my salt it says 1.4 lb. makes 5 gallons (1 kg makes 30 litres):happyfish


hmm that was kinda rude that is why iam in the new hobbyests forum but any ways its siting at 1.023


Ur in there! SG-specific gravity 1.021-1.025. What do you have in that tank? Any LR (live rock) or LS (live sand) yet?


no live sand or live rock yet when do u think i should get some the lhs is geting some in on jan 5 or should i find some sooner and i have a bout a month to lern lots more whell my tank cycles im sorry im so disapointing


Welcome to!
I may be wrong here, but I think you will have to have some kind of substrate/LS or crushed coral before you can even start cycling the tank. If you have to wait until the 5th make sure you have some kind of water flow in the tank so the water does not become static. Also you are going to need to top off the water from time to time and be sure you recheck the SG and temps before you add your fish (if thats what you are going to use to cycle the tank) This message board is the best around, and you will find alot of people that will help you. every once and a while you may find a some one that is having a bad day and may be a jerk. But all in all this place is great!!
Good Luck!
PS: you can get LS @ :D