How much should I get rid of?


OK I had a deal I could not pass up and now I have way too many fish in my 55 gal. For $120 I recieved 35 lbs of live rock. 2 damsels, 1 bat fish, 1 sailfin tang, 1 coral beauty, pink tip amenome, 1 coral banded shirmp, and various snails, stars, and snails.
Anyway I all ready had 1 yellow tang, 1 false perc, and a marine betta. I have around 100lbs total of live rock and 4 inches of sand at the bottom 2 hammers, 1 frogspawn, a flower pot, green open brain, and various shrooms throughout the tank. I know I have too many fish but what shoudl I get rid of.
By the way I have a 15 gal sump, with a skimmer in it. The sump also has 20 lbs of rock in it. I ran out of room in the main tank. Any advice would be great. :D


start another tank
me personally i hate to part with anything
and if you cant start a new tank (sell it here )
lots of shoppers and traders around here
best of luck


Personally, I'd definitely get rid of the batfish and the tangs. All of those need larger than a 55 gallon aquarium! And just because I think damsels are bullies, I'd get rid of them too...if you can catch them!! But like scribben said, try selling them or trading them. Your LFS might give you credit if you bring in fish...mine does at least. Good luck! :)