I added goniopora and a zoo frag two weeks ago. One week ago I added a bubble-tip anemone. Is there any period of time I should wait before adding anything else? Below are my water peramteters from 5 minutes ago. I will be doing a 10% water change later today.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
NItrate: 0
Phosphate: 0
Calcium: 420
KH: 6 Degrees
pH: 8.4
Temperature: 80.1
Specific Gravity: 1.022
I did not experience any spike in Ammonia after my last additions. I have a significant amount of LR compared to the size of my tank (19 Centaloupe sized pieces of Fiji LR) in my 47 Gallon Column. My nitrate went from 5-10 last week to an obvious 0 this week. I slowly raised my water temperature from 78 F to 80 F, and have been topping off my tank with salt water to raise my gravity from 1.021 to 1.025. I thought the gravity would go up more quickly than this, but I suppose gradual is key anyway.
I want to give my Ocellaris Clown a partner, and it would be nice if one of them would host my anemone (my current clown has shown 0 interest). I am thiking about another zoo frag (differet color) and perhaps green star polyps. Anyway, feedback is appreciated! What other fish do you think would enjoy my tank (seen below). I should note that I do not have a top and my water surface is exposed.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
NItrate: 0
Phosphate: 0
Calcium: 420
KH: 6 Degrees
pH: 8.4
Temperature: 80.1
Specific Gravity: 1.022
I did not experience any spike in Ammonia after my last additions. I have a significant amount of LR compared to the size of my tank (19 Centaloupe sized pieces of Fiji LR) in my 47 Gallon Column. My nitrate went from 5-10 last week to an obvious 0 this week. I slowly raised my water temperature from 78 F to 80 F, and have been topping off my tank with salt water to raise my gravity from 1.021 to 1.025. I thought the gravity would go up more quickly than this, but I suppose gradual is key anyway.
I want to give my Ocellaris Clown a partner, and it would be nice if one of them would host my anemone (my current clown has shown 0 interest). I am thiking about another zoo frag (differet color) and perhaps green star polyps. Anyway, feedback is appreciated! What other fish do you think would enjoy my tank (seen below). I should note that I do not have a top and my water surface is exposed.