How much to feed your fish? How often?


I recognize that if you over-feed your fish you could contribute to higher nitrate levels, and alge blooms. But is there any real idea how often and how much you should feed them.
Is there a difference on feeding fish on a newly established tank vs. a mature tank (> 6 months old).
I recognize that this depends on the size of your tank, the amount of live rock, the type and number of your fish etc.
Is there some gauge to use for each fish?
I used to have a 20 gallon Jeaubert setup and had two perculas that I never fed. I ran out of food and never replaced it. These two fish lived for two years. I had the tank up for about a year before I added those fish. So I'm guessing that there was plenty of food on the live rock. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />