How much to feed?



I'm pretty new to Lion Fish keeping and I'm always wondering if I'm feeding them right. Like how many pieces of Krill should I feed a 5" Lion and how often? He's always begging for food. Every time I walk by the tank, he always come up looking hungry. Right now I'm feeding every day about 3-4 pieces for the 5" Lion and less for the small 3" one. The small one is kinda picky on what he eats. But the big one will eat whatever I put in the tank: krill, raw shrimp, silversides, even plankton and mysis. So how much should I feed? Any help greatly appreciated.


Originally Posted by RCreations
I'm pretty new to Lion Fish keeping and I'm always wondering if I'm feeding them right. Like how many pieces of Krill should I feed a 5" Lion and how often? He's always begging for food. Every time I walk by the tank, he always come up looking hungry. Right now I'm feeding every day about 3-4 pieces for the 5" Lion and less for the small 3" one. The small one is kinda picky on what he eats. But the big one will eat whatever I put in the tank: krill, raw shrimp, silversides, even plankton and mysis. So how much should I feed? Any help greatly appreciated.
Do not give into the hungry look. Feed them 2 to 3 times a week. In the wild their meals are few and far between. The amount you are giving per feeding sounds good. So basically every other day tops and only once that day. But now and then go 2 days without feeding. They are only reacting to your presence and know you are where food comes from. Do not give in. If you feed to much you will kill them with your kindness. They need the fasting periods to be truly healthy. Good luck and enjoy them.


So maybe I've been feeding them too often?

That sad hungry look was too much for me to resist, how they swim up whenever they see me. But thanks for the info. From now on it's feeding every other day.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
More lion fish die by kindness then anything else they should always remain hungry the previous poster is exactly right I would just add not to get caught up in the “ watch this” when friends are admiring your tank and you feed your lion


So how many days can they go without eating?
Reason I ask is because the small Dwarf Lion I have is very picky when it comes to food. He'll eat krill but won't touch any other stuff like shrimp or silversides. I think this is because I've been feeding every day and he's never hungry. But now that's gonna change. Maybe if he's hungry enough, he'll go for the other stuff too.


My dwarf lion started getting picky about what he would and wouldn't eat. It finally got down to just silversides. I let him go about 3 days with no food and suddenly he wasn't picky anymore. Now he eats whatever I put in the tank. Good luck!
when i feed mty other fish my lion comes up to the top of the tank begging for food he thinks when the other fish eat he should so for a while i fed him an small piece of krill or a small silverside when i fed the other fish. now i just look at his or her stomach and you can usually tell when they are hungry