How much tougher would it be taking care of a 125 gallon vs a 75/90 gallon?


There's one for sale in my area but i've been looking at 90's and 75's it's for like 300 or so for the tank and stand so i'm curious, but still weary of the startup and upkeep. What do you think?


Active Member
Should actually be easier..I say the bigger the tank the less you eventually have to take care of...


Active Member
Set up cost will be more. )Salt, water, sand, rock, lights, powerheads, skimmers etc.)
Maintenance will be similar. (Feed, water changes, etc.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Set up cost will be more. )Salt, water, sand, rock, lights, powerheads, skimmers etc.)
Maintenance will be similar. (Feed, water changes, etc.)
yeah as stated it should be easier but setting it up will be costly


Active Member
its alot more water, alot bigger water changes, alot more chemicals, alot more salt, alot more time ..
thats just my opinion anyway


What stopped me was the increase in weight. I also have to use jugs of water, so it's that much more water to haul around to change, plus a TON of live sand and live rock. IMO, live sand and rock are where you really run into the big bucks. You can retro fit lights and buy second hand stuff, but you pretty much have to pay out for the rocks and sand.


Active Member
I always have to remind myself that not everyone that sees a calcium reactor or chiller in the corner while at a garage sale gets exited..........or even knows what it is. Never underestimate that one guys list...whats his name again? oh yeah Craig. Check his list for something local to you, theres always people with more money than brains and let them spend the big bucks for a fancy outfit and then in six months they realize how much work it is and you can get it dirtcheap to just get it out of thier house most cases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I always have to remind myself that not everyone that sees a calcium reactor or chiller in the corner while at a garage sale gets exited..........or even knows what it is. Never underestimate that one guys list...whats his name again? oh yeah Craig. Check his list for something local to you, theres always people with more money than brains and let them spend the big bucks for a fancy outfit and then in six months they realize how much work it is and you can get it dirtcheap to just get it out of thier house most cases.


I think a 125 would be more difficult and more costly to set up, but more rewarding because you can do more with it, if that makes sense.
When I started up, I almost went with a 55-gallon but I went with a 29 instead because I thought I'd "never fill it up". Biggest regret!


I have a 120g and wish i had a smaller one, everyone else is right alot more money, time, ect... or at least thats what i would say, :)


Active Member
Yea, I currently have a 46g, and I love it! But when this project is done I want another tank on the other side of the living room. I was thinking of a 95g wave.
I would have to agree, the bigger the more you can do with it. But man, my 46g already costs me an arm and a leg. I can't imagine what the 95 will end up costing me some day.

rabid frog

Active Member
there is a lot you can do with a larger tank. Just because you have a 150 gal tank doesnt mean you have to break the bank turning it into a reef. Why not go fowlr? Save the reef for the smaller systems. You are going to spen money either way, nobody gets into this hobby because it is cheap. With a reef you are going to spend money on lights, controllers, reactors, chillers, additives, and corals. With fish your are gonig to spend money on uv sterilizers, life guard filters, etc. i do not have fowlr system but that is going to be my next purchase. Infact I am looking in the sunday paper to see what I can get. But I already know what I dont spend in lights and etc, I am going to spend to keep the fish healthy.
As far as system up keep goes, ya it is bigger water changes. But the little fluctuations that can be detrimental to a smaller system will have less of an impact on a larger one. More water volume to dilute the little flaws, so to speak.
I say go big, your going to do it eventually anyways. Do it while you can or else your always gonig to wonder what if. If you get in over your head, you can sell it off to someone else in about a weeks time.


I dont mean to hijack your thread but petsmart has a 250 gal for $2000!!!
Does that seem right to any of you?!?!?!


Active Member
Dont forget the lights and powerheads. You need alot more and thats a lot more in NRG cost.
Darn electric bill.