How much water movement?


I currently have two Maxi-Jet power heads in the two rear corners of my 50 gallon tank. They are supposed to move 106 gal/hr each. Is this enough water movement for my tank?
I have seen posts that seem to indicate more water movement would be better, if so how much? And what about the placement and direction of flow?
Thanx much


It depends on what you types of corals you have.
What you are doing is avoiding dead spots. These are places in your tank with no water circulation. These are bad for a number of reasons that I dont know exactly but I know they are bad. Your 2 powerheads in a 55 gal should be plenty as your skimmer and filters also creat water movement to some degree.
Back to the corals. Some corals like stronger current than others. Have to ask someone about thaty besides me. All I know are my corals. I put them where they seem to like it most.