How much water should i change??


My tank has been up for a month it is a 26 gallon bow front. How much water should i change. And how should i go about changing the water.


Active Member
Usually I do a water change about every two to three weeks, 10%. So I just take out about 3 gallons of my 26 ga with a syphon hose. Depends on what your substrate is too, if you have cc you should syphon the bottom and get all the detris, but if you have LS like I do then you don't have to clean anything, its that simple. Then just replace the water with salted RO/DI ect. water.


my original water was from my lfs, should i replace my 3 gallons with 3 gallons of there water?


Active Member
Yeah it would probably be a good idea to use the same water. I use water from my LFS too because I know it does not have any nitrates or anything in it.


New Member
Is your tank only a month old? has it finished cycling? Make sure it has, before you do your first water change or you will destroy the 'good' bateria that has been created.. you dont want your tank to cycle again.


My tank cycled after the first week. The tank has been up for just over a month so i think i will go ahead and the 2.5 gallon water change tommorow.


I have a 25 gl tank, here's what I do regarding water changes. I change 3-4 gallons a week.
Pre-mix water and salt a week in advance in a seperate 10 gallon tank or other clean container. You'll need to put in an airstone, powerhead, and heater as well.
Pre-mixing your water in advance causes less stress on your tank inhabitants.
It allows for the water to circulate/airate and the salt to mix completely, and the heater heats the water to the same temp as your main tank. Also, you can adjust the PH to the same PH as your main tank.
Sounds like a lot of work I know, but if you get into the habit early on, it's not so bad.
Oh yeah, try to use RO/DI wtare if possible...your fish will appreciate it.
anywhere from 5-20% and if u could test the water before u add it.also if ur not done cycling dont worry the "good" bacteria are not in the water the attach to rock and glass they dont float around bab