how much water


I don't think it's the water really you need to save. It's the rock and sand that needs to be kept alive. Like the other poster said get some rubbermaids to transfer the stuff.


ok, thanks for the responses. i have an industrial garbage can which i think holds like 47 gallons but will probably only put like 30 gallons in it cause i think that's what i'll put my liverock in, like 7 or 8 5 gallon buckets, and 3 styrafoam(spelling?) containers which probably hold about 3-4 gallons each to keep the fish in. this should be ok right?


When I moved a couple of years ago I purchased 20 6 gallon jugs at Walmart for like $6 each, small price to pay. It is a lot easier to move than a 30 gallon trash can full of water. I put all my rocks and sand in 5 gallon buckets with a liitle water and my fish also in buckets. I would save as much water as possible to prevent a spike and just top off with fresh water when you arrive. If you can buy a battery backup (UPS) - Best buy for under $100.00 and then you can plug a powerhead for the fish while you do the 2 hr. drive. Good luck.


Save as much water as you can. The old water will help the tank stabilize after it's set back up. Also, hit up LFS's for bags and insulated shipping containers for livestock, they'll usually just give them to you(or for a small charge). That'll buy you some extra time setting back up. Good luck with the move.


Originally Posted by Tat2d
Save as much water as you can. The old water will help the tank stabilize after it's set back up. Also, hit up LFS's for bags and insulated shipping containers for livestock, they'll usually just give them to you(or for a small charge). That'll buy you some extra time setting back up. Good luck with the move.
if the liverock and live sand get too cold do they die off, like i'm talkin around 60-70 degrees?