How much would this sun coral go for?



I have had this sun coral for about 2 months and it is absolutely gorgeous!!! It has about 60 heads including all small and large ones. i am thinking about fragging it into about 5 pieces and keeping one for myself. How much would a frag with about 10 heads go for, and how much would the whole piece sell for?
Thanks for the help


Hello I have noticed your coral and would like to let you know that they sell for $35 for a 2-3 inch piece. so youi can do the math and let use know how much your coral is worth by measuring and then counting the heads. Good luck with your frag and if it is not to expensive I would like a frag of it. I live in 44094 thanks and your coral looks very healthy. what kind of lighting do you have it under?


Active Member
i'm selling about 10 heads for $15, and 6-7 heads for 10...only at the lfs will you see higher prices than that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i'm selling about 10 heads for $15, and 6-7 heads for 10...only at the lfs will you see higher prices than that.
ditto... I bought mine with about 15 heads on it at my LFS for $30 but to sell privately I agree with renogaw..


Originally Posted by phtby
dont know price but definately want first dibs when you frag.. i will trade or buy
ill pm you when i do frag it. I think im going to frag it because i want to keep some of it, but not the whole thing.
15$ for 10 heads sounds good. Ill get back here when i frag it.
It is very healthy, its out everynight BEGGING for food! its under 2 96 watt compact flourescents, about half way up. Its on the side of the tank so its not directly nder the light.


I Fragged the coral today and got 4 pieces out of it. Theres a piece that has 19 heads on it, 11 are large and there are 8 heads that are smaller.
One has 16 heads, 9 large heads and 7 that are a little smaller.
one has 7 heads
And the last one has 7 large heads and 2 that are a little smaller.
19 heads= 20$
16 heads= 18$
7 heads= 10$
9 heads= 12$
these numbers do not include heads that were damaged while fragging.
I have two people picking their pieces, personal message me if you are interested in buying one. The pieces are listed in order as they are above, 19 heads, 16 heads, 7 heads, 9 heads
The amount of heads mentioned is not including the heads damaged while fragging.
I will be shipping these soon, i do not want to ship them right after fragging them because a few of the heads were damaged.


Originally Posted by Crayonbreaker
Ill take one of the 19 head ones what will shipping be to 55123
Shipping by USPS is 19.50$. I work for FedEx so i may be able to get overnight shipping through them for around 13, i will know that by tomorrow. If not, the shipping Will have to be through USPS.
I have someone getting back to me about which piece they want, they e-mailed me last night about buying a frag. If they do not, or dont pick that piece its yours! Would you want the 16 head piece for 18$ if they want the 19 head piece?


Thanks, i was worried i was going to hurt it!!!

It turned out really good, i got me a little piece with 2 heads on it. and theres a piece that sprouted off of the coral a few weeks thats growing nicely. Thanks for the compliment, it was very successful!


Originally Posted by Crayonbreaker
So what did you find out about the larger bit if not we can work something out for something smaller.
They didnt reply yet, if they dont by later tonight its yours, because he never specified which piece he wanted. If he does reply back though the 9 head and 7 are still available. Im sorry i cant let you know right away, i just want to be fair since he responded first. I will personal message you later around 9 30 letting you know, sorry so late, thats when i get off work.


Originally Posted by Reefmaster08
I want the big peace please pm me when you send them out i want some thanks Brian.

That piece has already been reserved by crayon breaker, the 9 and 7 head piece are still available though.


Originally Posted by Crayonbreaker
Ill take one of the 19 head ones what will shipping be to 55123
I apologize , but phtby has purchased the 19 piece, the 16 and 9 piece are also taken, but the 7 piece is still available if you want it. I am sorry for the bit of confusion, i was just trying to make sure that i was fair about the selling. I will keep the 7 piece on hold if you still want it.


ok, im reserving it for you. The shipping cost will be about 12 dollars. I am shipping the frags out monday so they have some time to relax after being fragged.