How much would you pay for these?


Hey, my wife and i made these tonight (got burned quite a few times) and are thinking of making tons of these candles to sell, they are 100 percent home made right here in the sooner state, and smell great.
Check them out.


I asked my resident expert on such things (The wife) and she said MORE than $10 if they appeal to the buyer. She said if the person likes those kind of things they would pay over $10 for each.


cool, i'm trying to get a feel for how much i can make and whether it would be worthwhile to make these things and quit my job.


Active Member
I would do some serious checking on a market if your intent on quitting your job......Seems everywhere you look there are tons of things usch as candles in lots of stores, and depending on locale, may or may not be seasonal type items....I do a ot of metal fab work making specialty things or custom made stuff, and one item I make and sell a heap of is a candle holder, made of twisted steel square stock in a spiraled basket shape..I sell tons of them during the holidays, and make a fair amount of spare cash however during other months (about 10 out of 12) I may be lucky I sell 2 or 3 a month. I usually sell to folks that have stalls / concession stands at flea markets and some local stores in town, and do not generally sell to the public unless someone asks me for one, and while my sales of this item is good, its generally only duriing certain months it moves. Do some research before jumping into the fire.
Good looking candles by the way.


I agree with Chipmaker 100%! If you plan to do this as your sole income research the market FIRST!
I would hate to see you take the plunge and end up in financial trouble.
Best of luck to you!


tanks, i may not start this for a few more months, or may do it as a side gig, anyway, i appreciate it!