How often do I feed my Zebra?


I've read on that you should feed a zebra twice a week, but mine is hungry twice a day and comes out searching for food everytime I feed the other fish (twice). So how often should I really feed him?


sometimes when eels are younger or have been malnourished... they need alot food to build up enough fat to hold down then not saying this is the case, but it could be :happyfish


I have a zebra eel. I feed him once every 3 days. He eats the frozen shrimp like yours and goes through about 4 of the jumbo ones. Sometimes he pokes his head around at feeding time, but I just ignore him. He would eat all day everyday if I let him, but that would just skyrocket my nitrates. My eel (fatsum) is very fat and healthy on what I feed him.


Originally Posted by boalgf
I have a zebra eel. I feed him once every 3 days. He eats the frozen shrimp like yours and goes through about 4 of the jumbo ones. Sometimes he pokes his head around at feeding time, but I just ignore him. He would eat all day everyday if I let him, but that would just skyrocket my nitrates. My eel (fatsum) is very fat and healthy on what I feed him.
4 Jumbo Shrimp! Arn't Jumbo shrimp expensive, mine just eats the large ones that come in like 50 a bag at Costco or Sams. My eel is only 18 in though.


Labeling is always tricky. The bag I buy says jumbo shrimp, but it could be the same kind you buy for all I know. I buy the frozen, raw, gray colored kind. My eel is also close to 4 feet. I can only really guess at his size when I force him to swim around the tank to get the shrimp. My tank is 6 foot and he is easily longer than half of that. So you definitely don't want to feed yours the same as mine. But I still think every 3 days for one that is 18in would work well. Then again, the more you feed him the less likely he is to snap at tank mates.


Active Member
if hes hungry then feed him most lfs feed every few days to keep specimins small the more they eat the faster they will grow my black moray aprox 15 inches long now will eat 5 silverslides on a daily basis soaked in garlic extreme.much less costly than frozen shrimp from grocery store..btw he was 8 inches 6 months ago


My eel has snapped at a fish or 2, but only at feeding time. Otherwise I boubt he's fast enough to catch what I have in there. He has eaten several snails and crabs though. He bit my calico crab in half and it was almost 5 inches wide. They were living together in harmony for 6 months, then one day poor 'aye' was eel food. If it's slow enough for him to catch, there's the likelyhood that he will one day try and eat it.