How often do I feed.....


Active Member
Hi, I have 1 Green Chormis (sp), I have marine cusine for him. The directions say twice a day. I just wanted your opinons. How often is good? I also have marine flakes. I was thinking of rotating this. Opinions??


Active Member
How old is your tank?? I would not feed over once a day. In a mature tank every other day should work.


Active Member
By mature he means a tank with lots of little algae on the rocks and tiny critters for the fish to pick at.


Active Member
Oh ok, well don't
at me. But it is cycling. YES YES I KNOW I KNOW. I listened the the LFS guy. I set it up Saturday w/ LR and they said the LR would start the cycle, but nothing happened. So I got a fish. I put him in on Monday. This is a 2.5 gal tank, but I am getting a 30 gal today, I am setting this up for a QT tank
Here is what my water was yesterday.
PH 8.0
Ammonia 1.0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Alkalinity 120
temp 75
sg between 1.021 & 1.022
I was thinking of testing again today. Any suggestions?