How often do I need to change filter media and.......


nitrate can be taken care of very easily with out costing you alot. so instead of having you go through what i did tell me what size tank how many fish and what equipment you have.


I am fairly new at this, but what i was told was to take out the filters 1Xweeek and rinse with cold water and put new ones in every month. I hope this helps.


55, 2 percs, algae blenny, 2 yellow tail damsels, rrun an emp 400 and a sandman and a prizm skimmer, all hang on the back. Also have a DSB


I have a fairly new 50 gal long with 70+lbs LR and a 3-4"dsb. I have a Skilter (sucky protein skimmer w/ hang on filter) and a Fluval 304.
I'm running the Fluval until the tank matures and have been battling high NitrAtes since the 3rd week or so. Last check they were at 60. I think it is because my tank is young, has been moved twice and I overfeed. So far I've lost one shrimp. :( Just yesterday :(
So..., now that I've learned a few things, I use the powerheads to blow junk off the rock and I clean out the Fluval & Skilter filters at least once a week. I rinse everything in saltwater. I also do 10% water change once a week.
Yesterday, instead of just rinsing out the media, I tore the Fluval down and cleaned it out. Dawg Gone there was A LOT of CRAP in there! And that was with my rinsing it once a week or so! I rinsed everything in a 20 gal tank w/ fresh saltwater.
I'm doing a 15-20 gal water change tonight. I'll let you know what the TrAtes are soon.


What kind of filters are we talking about? If they are canisters or similar for the bio-filtering absolutely do as anthem said, by not rinsing the media in fresh water, but do take it apart and rinse media in tank water, then return the stuff. As far as how often depends on load, I do it once a month at water change time--you may need more if you have a heavy load.
However, if you're talking about hang on power filters, replace those about once a month as well, they are not worth cleaning.
If you are doing this on a regualr basis and still have nitrate problems look to another source as the cause.