How often do you all feed your fish and what do you feed them


I feed mine about 2 times a day. Is that bad. I have Two Yellow tail damsels and one True Perc. I have a 55 gallon and I feed them once in the morning and once at night. I feed them flakes and thats basically it.
I was curious to whether I should feed them something else or is the flakes good enough?
Also is my feeding schedule Ok for them?


Active Member
you have te only decent damsels on the market (I have three and they stay small and only pick on each other) and I am truly partial to per clowns.
Feeding these guys twice a day is fine as long as you make sure that after 3 hours your hermits have eaten any food not eaten by the fish.


I think you can feed as often as you wish. The trick is not how often but how much?? The best tank I ever had (with no water problems ever) was my fresh water tank in which I fed the fish at least 4 times per day..sometimes 5 or 6. But always a tiny small amount.


Active Member
Feeding fish is another one of the personal choice topics. No right way to do it .... but plenty of wrong ways.
Overfeeding is the biggest mistake many people make.
Not insuring the "right" kinds of foods for a fishes dietary needs is another.
Some eat green things, some meat, and some both.
I read once that most of the fish that hang out near a natural reef will pick at things on the rock, plants, whatever ... and are constantly on the search for food. Pretty much the same case for our captive fish too, as long as they're healthy ... they will most likely eat anytime you feed them.
In a FO or FOWLR tank - most folks feed as mentioned above. Once or twice a day, flakes, greens, frozen, and what not. Some will feed every other day.
In a reef tank - I think most reefers are trying desperately to reduce excess nutrients, phosphates and nitrates, and overfeeding can lead to an increase in these levels.
Aggressive tanks .... well the aggressive fish have their own unique needs, but most of the same still applys .... just get's a little messier :D
I feed the omnivoir fish in my reef tanks good quality flakes once a day, very lightly. They get plenty of frozen meaty foods when I feed anemones and corals. My Bangaii needs his mysis and brine at least every other day .. sometimes everyday - lightly.


As far as I know, feeding clownfish is a little different. Many believe that feeding them small amount of food several times a day is the best way. I do that, but then again my clown is a pig :D . It eats everytime I feed him.
Someone (I forgot who), told me that overfeeding happens when the food gets to the bottom of the tank. So as long as it doesn't, you're not overfeeding. I'm not sure about that. I just heard it from someone. There's another condition when overfeeding occurs but I forgot.
If others disagree please help explain.


Active Member
you really have to do something bad to make percs not like you. Mine follow me around the room waiting to be fed and we feed them 2 to four times a day.
Sometimes we don't feed them at all. (which is also OK, fish can go without feeding once in a while)
I feed my fish twice a day. In the morning and at night. I feed them zooplanktin and brine shrimp in the mornings. At night I feed them zooplanktin, phyoplanktin, and formula one. I also keep seaweed in the tank for my tang. I use alot of food when I feed because I have a huge clean-up crew. I test my water every week and the levels are fine. There is stuff that falls to the bottom after I feed, but im sure that it gets eaten.

sinner's girl

I feed my clown shortly after the lights come on (about 8-9pm), she gets frozen brine (when I had a tang she'd eat the tangs green stuff too). Once in awhile if she's begs (and yes she begs...) for food after i've feed her i'll give her a flake (yes only one...)
Glad i'm not the only who's clown is a pig. as far as over feeding her...i've never had her leave food...(she's a little fat right now...) food never had a chance to fall to the floor.
Tonight my b/f over fed with flakes cuz the clean up crew (the crabs) like the flakes...(they also like to eat my choc. chip star...who is now down to 3 legs...)


Active Member
I feed once a day.
I vary the diet greatly. I feed flakes, live brine, frozen formula, frozen clam, frozen blood worms, and seaweed selects.


Active Member
I feed phytoplankton about every day...some days i might forget and of course if I'm away, they don't get fed! I feed frozen carnivore food for the anemones and whatever breaks off into the water about 2 or 3 times a week. I keep a seaweed clip up for the tangs the day after they finish the last one. Every once in a while I might drop in a fish pellet or two for the clowns.