how often do you drip kalk??


I have a 75 and I want to start dripping kalk. I found an article on how to mix and what to use but it did not say how much and how often. I read about 1 tsp kalk per gallon of tank. but how much water do i mix that with?? i top off ro/di about a gallon at a time as needed. So should I mix up a one gal container of ro/di with 75 tsp of kalk and drip till empty? Wait a few days and top off again? Or should I keep a constant drip going? Also, I am unclear about the useful life of the kalk. I understand that I need to mix and use it after it settles. But do I trash the settled gunk with everytime?? or just add more water? or add more kalk and water like the first time?
sorry this is so long winded, but i am a little confused...


my direction says mix 1 teaspoon of kalk to one gallon of ro water. This is the water you will be using for top off. Any settling from the kalk I just rinse and dump then make a new batch. I drip until water is gone but not so low that you get the settled stuff. You want the saturated water dripping into the tank. A kalk stirer with ro water feeding it will automate the process.

yosemite sam

Active Member
In terms of how often to drip, you're going to have to experiment to determine the calcium uptake in your tank. As your corals grow, or you add new ones, your going to have to increase the amount you drip.
When a container is empty, clean it out, and start over again.