I have a 75 and I want to start dripping kalk. I found an article on how to mix and what to use but it did not say how much and how often. I read about 1 tsp kalk per gallon of tank. but how much water do i mix that with?? i top off ro/di about a gallon at a time as needed. So should I mix up a one gal container of ro/di with 75 tsp of kalk and drip till empty? Wait a few days and top off again? Or should I keep a constant drip going? Also, I am unclear about the useful life of the kalk. I understand that I need to mix and use it after it settles. But do I trash the settled gunk with everytime?? or just add more water? or add more kalk and water like the first time?
sorry this is so long winded, but i am a little confused...
sorry this is so long winded, but i am a little confused...