How often do you feed your fish?


LFS recommends I feed my fish only once a day. I have read a couple of books where the author recommends feeding some of the fish I currently have 2 (or more) times per day. I have 2 Hawk Fish that just about jump out of the tank at feeding time when I try to feed them only once a day. Would it be better to feed them twice a day and cut back on the amount of food. How often do you feed your fish?


Active Member
4-5 times a day in minute amounts, to better simulate the feeding habits in the wild. My system is set up to feed in this manner, and to hanle the amount of waste. I do not reccomend this feeding habit to everyone.


i usually feed 2x per day. once in the morning and once at night. Corals i feed every other day at night.


Active Member
how often you need to feed often depends on the type of fish you have
right now i am feeding 2+ times a day trying to get my clowns to breed


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
how often you need to feed often depends on the type of fish you have
right now i am feeding 2+ times a day trying to get my clowns to breed
Know how you feel I have about three months till my tomatoes start to breed (estimated time of course)


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Know how you feel I have about three months till my tomatoes start to breed (estimated time of course)
ill have been trying to get mine to breed for a year in a few weeks :(


2x a day, i put some spirulina flakes in for my sailfin, yellow tang, and niger trigger, but feed frozen silversides to my lion and toadfish every other day. sailfin and trigger always try to eat silversides if lion doesn't get to them first. is that ok for them or should try to avoid letting this happen?