How often do you go to the LFS??


I was just wondering how often everyone visits their LFS. I know that there are some people that go every once and a while and that there are others that go a couple times a day. I probably go about 3 times a week and on saturday me and my girlfriend go to both lfs in town. We browse the new stuff, talk with shop guy that we have become good friends with and get our water tested. I wondered if this was excessive, but our buddy at the lfs said that there are people who harass him 3 or 4 times a day!!!
Well considering I just got finished working at one, I was there almost every day. Now that I have another job I really don't go as much. I'll call and bug them alot about what they've gotten in. Lately I just haven't had much time.


coupl-a- times a week. It gets frustrating when I can't buy though (waiting for tank to mature, money, etc.)


the lfs that is really close to me i only stop in maybe once every 2 months, that place is very.....ummmmm......well its a nice looking store, but its way overpriced, the guy tries to push any sale he can, and the inventory is real i get to a good one that i found maybe a half hour from me, maybe once every 2 is bigger, more of the wholesale type place only thing is that one of the guys there is kind of a prick , so i dont talk to him, but the owner, who ive met once is i get to go a good oulet maybe once a month, it is like an hour away and its pretty darn nice, way good prices, package deals, the works. so thats about as much as i go, oh and these are all just cruisin by cause i want to, not when i need anything, then im to one of em pretty quick


PAT..I'm in the San fernando Valley..I'd love to know about this wholesale type place you wrote of..our lfs's are ridiculous when it comes to prices and tend to be real jerks to boot!Thanks.


on average once a week w/ the roomate or visit 3-5 LFS w/ a friend once in a while...course there's alwaysthe local *****...HEY!!! HEY!!! HEY!!! 1/2 the fish in the 135 are form there & have been well & alive for at least 3-5 months :cool:


Active Member
ususally only when I run out of RO water, which is once a week or so. It is too tempting to go more than that.


I go there about every other day. always gotta buy something there. i usually just go to look but then they have a rare coral and you just have to get it. is it the same way with you guys? :D ;) :p :) :rolleyes:


I try to fly down to Seattle twice a month to go and check out some lfs. I also try and make it down to Cal at least 1 time every six months to check out a couple of places. :)


I go every other day but I guess that's because Im lucky enough to have a well-run local momandpop store with new and different stuff. I was starting too think I was getting addicted!


Wow, I guess I do go more often the other people, but I am also lucky to have two great LFS within a couple minutes from my house. It is really hard sometimes to pick which one I like more, but I really don't have a favorite. Between the two of them they make the perfect store.


I have 4 that I visit regularly, One in hamilton i go to about once a month, one in burlington(more fw than sw) about 1 a week, its beside our grocery store,he he he, very convenient. another one about once to twice a week, lots of SW fish, not so many corals, the store is not in great shape but one of the staffers is a true enthusiast, mostly just chat time, the only thing i've bought from them was my LR. now the place I get all my fish from is two towns over, I go there as often as possible, about 2 or 3 times a month its about an hour away, where as the others range from across the street to 20 minutes. A bit long winded, but I guess I am in an LFS about 3 times a week, give or take, sometimes less, sometime more, but always on thurday nights. Thats when I have the kids to myself and my wife works til 9pm, I usually go to all of them. and cap it off with a Mickey D's bribery stop for the kids on the way home tonite it was Licks, lol, and we only went to two of them.

richard rendos

Active Member
I owned a store until about a month ago. I still go by at least once a week and see how things are going there since I left.


I go probably every day , I'm lucky enough to have a great store about 10 min from me , this Guys got like two 2000 gal tanks with sand sharks and rays, and about six of the most amazing reef tanks you ever saw about 250 gal each. he carrys lot of rare items and , coral and erchins enemonies. I have same problem two guys in there are cool but the other two are pricks


Active Member
There are three around town and I see all of them on a weekly basis. I have one right across the street that I get all my RO water from. Then there is one I get my equipment and fish from, whike the other I get my corals from. This way I get the cheapest prices on everything. They all know me by name while one e-mails me with his new shipping list the other calls while un-loading the new shippment. I love it. This way I know what one is ordering and can go ahead and get dibs on it and at the other one go ahead and get the jump on everybody else. I usually end paying for it right then and see how it does. If the fish or corals does'nt do well I can either take the money and run, or use towards something else, Did I mention I get a discount? :D


I visit once a week, at 4:30pm on Fridays, when they are getting their new order in. The me and the guys part of the local club, actually unpack their boxes at times, to fight over who gets what first! We have a deal now, you reach in, and grab a bag, kinda like a grab bag, if you want it, you get first say, otherwise it goes up for grabs! some of the not soo frequent customers look at us like we are crazy when we are there on Fridays.


i visit my lfs very frequently ..i thinks it's because i work there and they may get upset with me if i never came in.. more play than work most of the time, but that's why i work there..