I am just wondering how often you test your water. I know water can change faster in nano tanks and I am downsizing my 70gal to a 20. If you reply please post how often and what size tank.
I also have a 29 gal biocube and I usually check once a week myself and then when I go to the LFS to get water I let them check it just to confirm that it is ok.
12 gal aquapod.
every other day for ammonia, nitrates, and pH... then once a week for calcium, phosphates, nitrites.
sometimes i just wake up at 3am and start testing because i'm paranoid. :help:
12g Aquapod. I've had the tank for about 6mos now and I've tested my tank water twice and my RO/DI water twice. Once your tank is set and you know it's "routine" you won't have to test nearly as often.
I'm thinking of downsizing, too. Are you happy with your decision to go smaller? I keep looking at those new 29 gallon JBJ units with the halides, fans, and everything integrated......sounds dreamy.
I'm thinking of downsizing, too. Are you happy with your decision to go smaller? I keep looking at those new 29 gallon JBJ units with the halides, fans, and everything integrated......sounds dreamy.
I havent downsized yet but I have always noticed that smaller tanks look extremely full and that is what I want. I will be building the stand for my 20 this weekend and then start the cycling