How often should I change my water


I was told by my LFS that I should make my water changes every three months. He told me that everyone he has talked to that has done it this way has had greater longevity out of there fish.
He had a good point actually. He told me that what you are trying to achieve is to get your tank as close to a "mini ocean"(He used a different word, something like bio system or some kind of system. I was just paraphrasing) as possible so you leave it alone as much as possible. Ofcourse I think this guy takes the cheap way out of alot of things associated with salt water fish, so in a way I don't trust him.
What do you all think, what do you think would be right for my tank? Anyone with established tanks please help
Also I am cycling my tank right now, do I need to change the water on it as much as I would when it becomes an esablished tank?
Thanks for all the help again


Water changes depends on the size of your tank, what livestock you have, what type of substrate, whether or not you have live rocks. It all depends on also how often and how much you feed the fish. I do a 10% change once a month on my 75g reef tank and just add water to my 35g reef. The l/r and l/s on my reef does all the filtering. I think if your water conditions are fine, then you won't have to change your water that much. He could be right about doing it once every 3 months. Also, a good clean-up crew helps out too. I would wait until your water is cycled before you do any water changes. Good luck.