How often should I water change?


No coral or anything else you could go until your nitrate hits 20 to 40 ppm or about 2 weeks. IMO.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
No coral or anything else you could go until your nitrate hits 20 to 40 ppm or about 2 weeks. IMO.
+1 Personally, I wouldn't let the nitrates get that high, but 2 weeks is good. I hate letting nitrates getting higher than 10, but it's a personal preference.


Yep, I never have more than five, but many people claim to be fine up to 40 ppm so I didn't want any of them to have to chime in to correct me. I change my water about 10 to 20 percent every sunday or monday no matter what it tests.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
Yep, I never have more than five, but many people claim to be fine up to 40 ppm so I didn't want any of them to have to chime in to correct me. I change my water about 10 to 20 percent every sunday or monday no matter what it tests.
Me too, I'm a fan of the weekly water change no matter what. Some people argue that this is too often, but I figure, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


I've been doing 15% (12-15 gallon out of 72) every weekend since I started. I might goto every other weekend.


You could go for the gallon a day water changes ;) just saying... Although I think the above options are much better!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by OceanKid
I have 40 gallon tank with a pair of clown fish. How often should I water change?
Actually it depends on the conditions of the tank. It is possible to have a ballanced out tank where nitrates and phosphates are being consumed by the plant life (algaes like corraline, macros, turf, etc etc) and have the tank run with healthy fish for years and years with no water changes.
By contrast it is also possible to have a constant flow through the tank so that the water is changes many times per day. In that case the conditions of the replacement water are maintaining the tank.
I use the first method.
More normal water change schedules will still result in parameter build ups. For instance, a 10% weekly water change will result in parameters (like nitrates) which are 10 times the weekly build up. So if the tank is increasing nitrates at say 10ppm/week, the tank will eventually have 100ppm nitrates just before the water changes (assuming 0 nitrate water).
So there is a lot of flexibility in water change schedules and no really correct single method. It depends on the tank conditions and your personal preferences.
my .02


I do 10-15 gal a week on my 125. I would do 5 gal a week on a 40. It takes 5 minutes, at the most. However in addition I do about 15-20 minutes of gravel and rock cleaning. I take the hose, put a net with a microfilter cloth (4.95) on top of the sump, and put the other end of the hose in in the net. Clean the cloth, let it dry, and do it again the next week. You will be suprised how much stuff you get out, without taking any water out of the system.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by OceanKid
Thank you for your replies.
Another question, how often do you clean the entire aquarium?
In terms of tearing it down and doing a total cleaning

I have had tanks run for up to 8 years both marine iand FW with no teardown or water changes.
my .02