How often to feed? (Naso)


How often should I be feeding my Naso?
I've had him 3 days and he's been eating, I just want to know what a good schedule for him is.
Lettuce & Brine Shrimp (enriched). Anything else he should be getting?


I agree--change the diet--lose the lettuce -I used to feed mine a sheet of dried green algae or nori in the morning and a frozen meat variety in the evening(every greens eater should have some) seemed to keep him fat and healthy (had him 6 years)


actually FAMA magazine has a good article this month about how to feed naso says that 80% of their diet needs to be algea, the other 20 varried flake foods, it also said that out of all the tangs naso's eat the most, and the most often, the article indicated that they work best if you feed them many times a day, as opposed to 2-3 times, dried seaweed and formula 2 are great for them, it said that, about 5-10% of their diet should be lettuce and spinich, which is good for other tangs--hope this helps, if you get a chance pick up FAMA magazine and check out the article--jake