How old is your tank?

One of the moderators suggested that this topic be brought up.
How many years, months, weeks, or days, have you had your current tank/tanks set up? Having good success with your fish? Looking for a wide variety from all people from those just starting out, to the oldtimers.
I have had mine set up for 5+ yrs. I love to do anything having to do with this hobby. The fish I have are a yellow tang, squirrel fish, and 2 yellow tail blue damsels. All of them surviving for 5 yrs.
:D :)
I have had my freshwater tank for about 3 months and all fish are doing well. All levels are great and right now I am growing plants from seeds :)
The saltwater tank I started on sunday night so about 4 days now. I have 20Lbs of live sand, a small hard coral thing, 3 4 stripe amsels and 2 green chromisis.
My levels of those are in a thread I started so if you can give me feedback o nit check it out.


Active Member
Starting out I upgraded my tank 4 times before actually staying with one. First I had a 20 gal, too small I thought so I used a 40 gal. I then found a really good price 84 gal tank, then I never had good luck with keeping fish in there so now I have a 26 gal. tank that I have successfully kept heathy for 7 months now. In it I have two false percula clownfish with inverts.

mr . salty

Active Member
My 130 fowlr/ls is just about three years old now.I had a few problems at first,but things really settled down with the addition of DSB,Monster skimmer nd refugium...I also have about the most complicated filteration system of any tank I've seen.This also has contributed greatly to my tanks succsess.I have not done a water change in almost a year and a half...Ammo,nitrite are zero,nitrate stays around 15...I also havn't lost or added a fish in well over a year.And have great succsess with anemones.I have six diferent kinds in my tank,two are over two years in my care...

nm reef

Active Member
I have a 55 reff & a 58 FO...both are over 18 months and doing well. The reef is skimmerless with a 50 gal gravity return refugium and the FO runs a mechanical filter with a CPR BacPac2r skimmer....both have LR( reef-100lbs...FO-50 lbs)...and each has a DSB full of diversity.
Fish are...yellow tang/pygmy angel/percula clown in the FO...formosa wrasse/coral beauty/tomato clown/blue damsel in the reef...each has an assortment of crabs/snails/stars/worms...the reef has well over 40 assorted corals.
I've lost 3 fish to carpet surfing(all from the FO....and one fish was lost to a PH....the current fish have been in my systems for well over a year each.:cool:


I've had my tank running for 2 1/2 years but only came across this BB about a year I made all the un/under-educated mistakes trying to follow LFS advice and do it cheaply! :(
I've had the algea blooms, the ick epidemic, overcrowded my tank, added onto inferior lighting making it slightly less inferior, threw money away on sebea anenomies that continued to have love affairs with my power heads, etc, etc, etc :mad: :mad:
I'm having much better luck now as I'm learning from all the great info available here!
My tank is 45 gallon with a Fluval 304, Prism skimmer, 3 ph's, 35 lbs of lr and 30 lbs of sand. My lighting is a 175W, 10K MH and two 95W actinics.....with fans. I have a maroon clown and a neon, tri-color damsel. Corals include a large hammer, octo-bubble, colt, cabbage, a couple mushrooms and my just-purchased pulsing zenia! I also just bought some caulerpa which my hermits are devouring.:mad:
I also recently set-up a 10 gallon Q-tank (see, Anthem.....I have learned a few things!!) As soon as this finishes its cycle, iIm going to add 3/4/5 green chromis!!!


Active Member
My 72 gallon reef was setup in Jan 2002. Made a bunch of mistakes before joining this board. ie added 50lbs live rock to a tank with fish in it. Only my "hardy" yellow tang survived. Now have 6 fish, many corals, added a refugium and couldn't be happier. New life all the time.
My 46 gallon aggressive has been up for over a year but only 4 months in my care. Bought it from a kid who was moving;) In it is a picasso, volitan, valentini puffer and a large pyjama cardinal who's moving out soon. All fish are small and get along fine.
My wife has a 10 gallon spotted hawkfish tank which has been up a month or so. Most personality I've seen in a fish. Wags like a dog for food....too cool.


My 20 high has been goin for 8 months now, everything is going great. I've had good sucess with fish, and keeping my water perfect(ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, phosphate 0, and my calcium 500.) It was tough keepin my tank for the first 3 months till I found this great site. I've been keeping my tomato clown for the entire 8 months and i've had the lawnmower for a month(does everyone elses lawnmower have such a bloaded looking belly from eating so much algae?? lol.) I also set up a 10 gallon hospital tank thats currently in the middle of cycling. :D


50 gal reef was set up in early 2001, has aprox 20 different soft and LPS corals under 220w PC. fish are sm yellow tang, False perc, bangai cardinal, flame hawk. fish have been with me anywhere from 3 1/2 years (false perc) to six months (flame hawk).
37 gal reef, originally a FOWLR set up in 1999 and converted to a reef 9/01. Mix of LPS, and SPS under 175w MH and 55w PC actinic. Fish are tomato clown, firefish goby, 2 clown gobies.
Have lost only two fish in the past 12 months, 1 due to carpet surfing, 1 do to unknown circumstance as nothing left but skeleton


My 45 gallon has been set up for about 16months. I have 55 lbs of Marshall Island live rock, 3 inch sand bed, and run a refugium. My tank is skimmerless. I have about 20 or so assorted corals, 2 False Percs, Falcos Hawkfish, Royal Gramma, CBS, Cleaner Shrimp, Sally Lightfoot, Assorted Snails and Hermits. I do a monthly 20% water change out of habit. My tank has been stable for about a year no major changes in anything.


New Member
I've had my 55 gal. up and running for 2 yrs. I have had great success with my water as well as my livestock. I believe this is due to my caution, and research. I only have a clown, yellow tail damsel, and false-eye puffer. Though it has been hard to resist the many beautiful fish, I've held off and now I am so happy I did because everything is going so well! Also, a great deal of credit goes to this web site, without it I feel I would have ran into some mistakes that I otherwise avoided, so, thanx everyone!!


I have a 50 gl that was setup in mid may 2002 that is a FW community tank
1 marble angel
1 pair of blushing angels
multitude of mollies,platties.,guppies, and swords
2 mystery snails
1 giant gold PLeco
I have never had a loss out of this tank
also have a 100 gal SW that was setup July 4th
about 75# (give or take) LR
120 #,s of argonite sand
levels are amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 calcium at 450
livestock is
1 yellow tang
1 arc-eye hawkfish
1 dragon goby
1 bar goby
2 PJ cardinals
2 hi fin cardinals
1 gold stripe cardinal
2 seabae clowns
1 cleaner wrasse
2 domino damsels
1 blue damsel
4 green brittle stars( 2 were bought and 2 hitch hiked)
(thanks to mom there is a post a few weeks ago about it)
a 30gl
it has 40#'s of argonite and tahitian moon sand mix
I juat set this tank up last weekend
the only fish that I have lost is a few damsels that the arc eye got tired of them bugging him and chomped them


I have had my 55 gal reef set up for approx 10 months. You can see what I have running it below. I have only lost two fish, a golden-headed sleeper gobie and a blue tang. I lost the tang to a horrendous case of ich and the gobie starved cuz I wasnt told it needed an extremely active sand bed to survive, but live and learn. The only problem I've had with water quality was a spike in nitrates from overfeeding and an algae bloom caused from using tap water for top off.
Luckily I was told about this board by one of the sharks that works in my lfs and loaned several books. After doing some research before making any purchases and getting feedback from this board it has been a success ever since. Except for the cyano bloom I am battling at the moment, and winning, everything is thriving. My best advice is to go slow, research and it this hobby will be a lot of fun, even if it does drain your wallet! :D


Active Member
Got my 29 about 7 years ago, it was FW then.
About 2 years later I switched the 29 to SW after a friend said I could make the switch for a few dollars. Yeah right.
Over a year ago I added more LR, started adding corals, upgraded the lights and went reef.
About 6 months ago all the contents of the 29 went into a new 55. More LR and corals were added along with LS and another lighting upgrade.
And thats were I am at now.

sinner's girl

we had a damsels only 25gl set up till Sinner's mom left the power off and killed the fish...
we then set up the current 55gl which has been up for over a year and a half. there are two clowns, one has been in there about 7 months, the other was added in before march of 2001 (sorry i don't remember when). a clean up crew from here was added december 2001 early jan 2002 (before the last clown).
the only problems we've had is a killer clown fish, she killed the damsels that were in the tank before her, my yellow tang, a goby, and another. we added a second clown who is still alive and well, no fish have been added since jan of 2002.
in the fall, i plan on trying to add a 6-line.
the other problem was a bad test kit, which showed our nitrates to be at 80+, when they were ~0.


My 180 gallon has been setup for about 9 monthes now. My oldest fish is my brownbanded bamboo shark which has been which has been with me for 10 monthes.
I've had my nano reef since february.