How patient is patient?


Active Member
I lost my beloved Yashia goby a couple weeks ago.

It decided to go tank top surfing, despite my best efforts to seal the tank to the point where it's almost octopus proof (I have a number of known jumpers.) The biggest gap in the top is literally 1/4x1/4" and it managed to find it...
I got a new one last week, along w/ a cute little candy red pistol. I know the pistol's in there - I can hear it and it's doing construction under one of my rocks. I haven't seen the fish since I introduced it to the tank though. I know they're initially shy - my first one hid for 4 days - but it's been 7 days since I introduced it to its new neighbors (none of which are aggressive), and I haven't seen it since. I'm 90% positive it hasn't been eaten - I have a decent CUC, but they're not that good.
How long I gotta wait for it to come out????


Active Member
idk my yellow watchman goby went and hid the next morning he was peeking his head out if you went near him he would zoom into the lr now if u go near him he only swims away if his whole body is out


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
lol - thanks for your reply. I'm gonna attribute my good luck to that.
It just came out.

Send some good luck my yellow wrasse is still MIA...week #5...I am giving up...I released it into the tank, it swam around looked at the sand and dug in never to be seen since.