how poisoinous is a lion fish



i really want a lion fish when i get a bigger tank but my mom says no because shes scared if im cleaning the tank and it strikes me but if i were stung how poisoinous is it
just never listen to aquacon they say it will be like a bee sting just a little stronger
ive seen peoples fingers they get huge and swollen its scary :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:


did i just awnser my question ive been stung by bees many times i just wanted to know
so i could expect what a sting feels like and if you been stung by a lion fish share your stories ***)


Active Member
i nevr have been and i also dont plan on it. If your just carefull its no big deal, yes accidents do happen but you have to be really distracted to get stung by one, also they can rub up against people and not get stung, only if you corner them or they feel in danger will they strike you


Keep Me Posted How It Feels If You Ever Do Get Stung. I Want One Too But I'm Still Gonna Be Wondering How It Feels?


Active Member
i would be soo into one of those extreme reality shows that centers on moray bites, anen stings, lions, and such. how's about a random surprise mantis? i'm a weirdo though.

in all reality though, all of the toxins are likely different so you would want for someone else to be there while you received your first bite/sting from each species. once you are sure how your body reacts to it a couple times, i would personally feel comfortable cleaning the tank without worry. i'm sure by that time you'd be watching the fish enough to avoid a bite anyways. :thinking:
i'm not a emt though, so take this with a grain of salt. maybe a saltshaker.


if i get stung will i have to go to the emergency room or something and under go intense treatment or sit in my bed watching tv in pain and sick just wondering


Active Member
you would treat though would sort of liek a bee sting. if your allergic or have a bad reaction go t the E.R but usually thats only if your allergic, many people react differently to bee stings just like lion stings. But IF you got stung you would run it under the hottest water you can stand for about 20 minutes or so and that will neautralize and take the swelling down


Active Member
Most reports I've heard say if you're allergic to bee/wasp stings, you'll have a bad reaction to a Lionfish sting.
I'm highly allergic to bees...enough that if I get stung, I immediately have to to the ER or risk my throat swelling shut and me suffocating.
I've been stung by Fuzzy Dwarfs, as well as my 15" Volitan Lion, on a few occasions.
I experianced mild pain (I've been shot, numerous times, so other than women giving birth, I've got an immense pain tolerance)...would probably be intense pain to others.
Other symptoms were swelling (my entire forearm, from my elbow to my fingers), redness, numbness and dizzyness.


Active Member
wow and you keep an 15inch lionfish. :scared: wow i would never ever do that if i were you. it's kind of like putting your life in that new game deal or no deal. best to have someone living with you in case


Active Member
As long as you dont threaten thelion, they dont mind you... You just gotta watch were he is when you do tank maintanence


Active Member
Never once was I stung by any Lion that was being aggressive towards me.
The Fuzzy Dwarf was actually a hitch hiker, on some live rock...he was only about 1.5" long...he hit me when I picked the rock up.
The 15"er got me, while I wasnt paying attention, moving around live rock...he, in no way, did it out of aggression, nor was he "attacking" me.
Lionfish spines are not meant for offense...they're quite clumsy with them, actually. They're designed and used only for defense. When provoked, they'll just swim away 99% of the time. If cornered, they'll lower their spines and use them as a shield. If intimidated further, only then will they swim towards you, spines out.


Active Member
I wouold not necessarily think that if you are allergic to bees you will be allergic to lionfish. Having said that, if you are, it could be fatal within minutes.
I am severely allergic to wasps and hornets - but not to bees. They are not cross reactive venoms; they are quite different. I might be allergic to lionfish, I've never been stung. But I don't necessarily avoid the fish.
So, in short - it might be nothing more than a localized reaction requiring hot water treatment.
Or, it could be that you get a more significant localized reaction, or you could get a more serious generalize systemic reaction (anaphylaxis) or anaphylactic shock which can be fatal.


New Member
My Naso tang sits by my lion all the time, swims through his fins. I would just hold my breath and pray he did not die!
But they actually seem to like each other. So, the lion leaves him alone and lets the naso rub on his fins. it is ok.
My lfs owner was stung by our V. lion before he sold him to us.... he was hand feeding an eel and did not see the lion coming for the food. His arm swelled pretty bad and he said he hurt for about a month. He highly advised caution not to get stung because it was not a pleasant experience.
I suggest the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PFitz44
As long as you dont threaten thelion, they dont mind you... You just gotta watch were he is when you do tank maintanence
I agree, when you stick your hand in the tank he's not just go flying over and munch on you, you just have to make sure you know where he is when you are in there, and he only straightens out those stickers when he is spooked out.