After converting my 75 gallon tank over to a 90 this past weekend, I have come to some awful conclusions. Everything was going great for the first few days after conversion, but now I have lost almost all of my fish. It is just so sickening. I have moved and converted tanks many times in the past and have never had this problem. These fish that have been in there have even been moved from tank twice before in the last two years and always were ok. For some stupid reason my heater jumped sky high and my temp was up to 85 F before I could catch it. I love my beloved and simply favorite regal tang, as well as my yellow that I think got stung by my anemone, my damsel, and possibly my Kole tang. I just am at a loss for words. It is so saddening because I know inadvertently I may have caused all their deaths!! Man I sometimes really dislike this hobby!