How safe is buying fish by email?


New Member
I am consulting buying fish by this website but am convinced by the time i get the fish they will die of shock


Active Member
they will be fine, this site has very healthy stock and everything i got from here is beautiful, look at my algae challeng post and you will get a glimpse of my blue/green chromis :)


Active Member
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If it wasn't safe, wouldn't give a 6 day guarantee.
How do you think the fish at your local fish store got there? They were shipped! You are just eliminating a middleman. This saves costs and lowers the chance to contract a disease. It also eliminates impulse buying of something that won't do well in your tank.


New Member
I was afraid to order on-line also, but my LFS store in town is not very good with marine fish. I placed my first order last Monday and it arrived on Thursday. I got 4 percula clowns and 2 emerald crabs. When I opened the cooler that they ship in the fish were upright and swimming, not even breathing hard. They each had there own bag. I followed the directions for acclimation and then put them into my tank. They are the brightest colored and hyperactive clowns I have ever seen. I see no reason to buy from LFS in town anymore, besides there clowns were $45. You have nothing to worry about.