How should I arrange my live rock in my tank that is viewable from both sides?


I am currently setting up my 180 gallon tank and it is viewable from 2 sides my living room being 1 side and my bedroom being the other side. I am at the point now where I want to start stacking my live rock and would like some ideas on how to stack the rocks for a reef tank that can be viewed from both sides.
my lfs has a 180 reef tank and has a huge piece of live rock in the middle, it looks like an isolated island filed with corals and fish swim around it very cool. ill post some pictures of the tank.

richard rendos

Active Member
I stacked mine right through the middle and left about 6 inches from the glass empty of is a shot from the end.


Active Member
eelfreak, that colt is out of control! do you ever do any fragging? it looks like a great candidate (except for the hassles of fragging a colt). Great looking tank, how long have you had the corals in there?