How should I arrange my live rock in my tank that is viewable from both sides?


I am currently setting up my 180 gallon tank and it is viewable from 2 sides my living room being 1 side and my bedroom being the other side. I am at the point now where I want to start stacking my live rock and would like some ideas on how to stack the rocks for a reef tank that can be viewed from both sides.


Awesome! That sounds sweet, I wish I could do that, but my tank is in my basement :( Now I know this might not help you too much, but just experiment. While you put the rock in on one side...have someone else on the other side tell you if it looks good or not, or every other piece of rock you put in walk around to the other side and see if you like it. Make it you job to set it up the way you want it. Make it original ;) But if you really need some help on cool designs on reef setups go to your LFS and find a tank you really like, then try to replicate their setup. If you can't get to a LFS do an image search on google and go from there. Good Luck, hope this help and post the pics when its setup :D


Active Member
You are lucky, I'd give anything to know what those fish and inverts are up to on the other side of the lr. I think I'd try a design that had the lr built up in the middle so plenty of swim room all around. Of course, cool looking caves, etc. You might have to use some type of epoxy that is sw safe and some stablizing pieces with it all in the middle, but that would look sweet!:D