How should I setup the sand base in my new reef tank?


I am currently cycling my new soon to be reef tank. When i started the cycle 6 days ago planned on it being a fish only with live rock tank. However after 6 days of cycling I decided that would rather go reef. My concern at this point is how to set up the sand bed. I have read things about using screens and all sorts of other things underneath the sand bed, but I am not to excited about taking out all the sand right now and doing stuff like that. So do I have to do that or can i just have like 2-4" of sand sitting right on the bottom of the tank. About how much sand should I have on the bottom. Also, is it true that the live rock should be sitting right ontop of the bottom glass and not on top of the sand. Thanks in advance my friends.


I had the same concerns when setting my tank up. I was thinking if the rock was not on the glass bottom that the rocks could shift and bust the glass walls. Definitely not what I wanted! After talking with friends and these great folks on this board, I decided to put a 4" sand bed (all live, btw) then place the rock where I wanted it. I did make sure I "rubbed" the rock in the sandbed to insure they were secure. I have yet to have problem with rock shifting against the glass. I have a 4" Engineer Goby too :)
Good luck and glad to hear your going with a Reef Tank!


Ok, sounds good to me. Do I have to do the whole nylon screen thing with South Down Sand or can i just use like 4" of live sand and no screen or anything?


I don't have any type of "undergravel filter". All I did was buy the Live Sand and spread it on the bottom. Then took a large piece of Live Rock and slowly fill the tank pouring ontop of the Live Rock not to disturb the sand and cause so much cloudiness in the water.
You don't have to use all Live Sand. You can use Southdown sand and just one bag of Live Sand to seed, but I would definitely wash the "dead" sand before putting in the tank.
Good Luck!