How slow do I add Live Rock to an existing setup


I have a 55 gallon with 40 lbs of live rock with another 70 pounds on the way. I have a Condi, 2 Occellaris, 2 YT Damsels, Lawnmower Blenny, 25 snails, 2 Emerald Crabs, and 3 Blue Legged Crabs. Emperor 400 and a 802 Powerhead (400 GPH). Right now my water is fully cycled.
How many pounds of live rock can I add at a time without killing the fish? Or, should I just put all of the live rock into 5 gallon buckets until that water tests ok?


New Member
Adding too much uncured rock too quickly can spike your annonia levels. You know what can happen then. I would only add cured rock or uncured at maybe less than 10% of your tank volume, IMO.